Friday, October 7, 2011

Project Peacock

My mum is one of those people who is impossible to buy for.  She'll say she doesn't need anything, or insist that the best gift you can give her is a hug or stopping by.  Because of this I have to get a little creative.  I want my mom to know how special she is to me!  This year for her b-day I went in the homemade craft direction, because nothing says 'I love you!  Happy Birthday!' more than my poor attempts at crafting =)  With that being said, I present to you, an all-original-Stephanie Project: Mrs. Peacock!

It has a quirk or two.  Crooked tail... accidental backwards wing... kinda flimsy neck... 7 year-old quality stitching.  Okay, okay, so maybe more than two, but it made my mom smile and that's all that matters to me.  Happy Birthday (yesterday), Mom!  <3 :-D

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