Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Moon (and star) Phase

"Yes, dear.  I remember the time you thought you had to have a 5 gallon fish tank... and then a 10 gallon fish tank... and then begged for a 55 gallon fish tank.  And yes, honey!  I remember the unfortunate day you rediscovered your old basketball card collection and thought you had to start collecting again."  ..........As hard as I try to forget. x

My husband goes through phases.  Much like me.  But sometimes his phases drive me a little crazy.  They are costly (given the choice... would you rather have a new TV or a glass container filled with dirty water and fish?), time-consuming, and what is so special about cards with pictures of men playing basketball on them?  I don't get it.  Well, I am happy to say that two nights ago, as we shivered outside next to the (most annoying) tripod (in the world) holding my Canon EOS-10D, we realized an obsession that we share: the night sky.

 ISO: 800
Aperture Value: 5.7 (I believe)
Shutter Speed: 30"
Focus to infinity
Focal Length: 28mm

We think we messed up and went past infinity...oops.  Take it away, Buzz: "To infinity and beyond!"  We are still learning and our next project is figuring out how to take pictures of the moon, WHICH we saw up close in personal last night through some mighty fine telescopes.  It was Stargazing Night at The Library Center in Springfield, MO!  (We also saw a globular cluster in the constellation Hercules and Jupiter with four of its moons: Lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto).

Here's to dove-tailing interests!

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