Friday, October 7, 2011

Down To "ess"

This is a tribute to my favorite bracelet in the world which went missing today: my Princess bracelet.  Well, actually my "ess" bracelet, since the "princ" portion was completely rubbed off by now.  "ess" was pricel-ess to me.  It was from one of my best friends (my best Brain!  Narf!) and every time I saw it there on my wrist it made me so happy.  I wore it for a year and a half; it went through 4 strings, but this last one (the sturdiest one) let me down.  I feel so naked without my "ess."  ='(  It was basically a part of my arm.

Project Peacock

My mum is one of those people who is impossible to buy for.  She'll say she doesn't need anything, or insist that the best gift you can give her is a hug or stopping by.  Because of this I have to get a little creative.  I want my mom to know how special she is to me!  This year for her b-day I went in the homemade craft direction, because nothing says 'I love you!  Happy Birthday!' more than my poor attempts at crafting =)  With that being said, I present to you, an all-original-Stephanie Project: Mrs. Peacock!

It has a quirk or two.  Crooked tail... accidental backwards wing... kinda flimsy neck... 7 year-old quality stitching.  Okay, okay, so maybe more than two, but it made my mom smile and that's all that matters to me.  Happy Birthday (yesterday), Mom!  <3 :-D

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Moon (and star) Phase

"Yes, dear.  I remember the time you thought you had to have a 5 gallon fish tank... and then a 10 gallon fish tank... and then begged for a 55 gallon fish tank.  And yes, honey!  I remember the unfortunate day you rediscovered your old basketball card collection and thought you had to start collecting again."  ..........As hard as I try to forget. x

My husband goes through phases.  Much like me.  But sometimes his phases drive me a little crazy.  They are costly (given the choice... would you rather have a new TV or a glass container filled with dirty water and fish?), time-consuming, and what is so special about cards with pictures of men playing basketball on them?  I don't get it.  Well, I am happy to say that two nights ago, as we shivered outside next to the (most annoying) tripod (in the world) holding my Canon EOS-10D, we realized an obsession that we share: the night sky.

 ISO: 800
Aperture Value: 5.7 (I believe)
Shutter Speed: 30"
Focus to infinity
Focal Length: 28mm

We think we messed up and went past infinity...oops.  Take it away, Buzz: "To infinity and beyond!"  We are still learning and our next project is figuring out how to take pictures of the moon, WHICH we saw up close in personal last night through some mighty fine telescopes.  It was Stargazing Night at The Library Center in Springfield, MO!  (We also saw a globular cluster in the constellation Hercules and Jupiter with four of its moons: Lo, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto).

Here's to dove-tailing interests!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Penny for your Thoughts

 "Find a penny, pick it up. All day long, you'll have good luck." 

This morning I found a penny (heads-up 7up... even luckier!) and put it in my shoe.  This is a bit superstitious of me; Stevie Wonder would be disappointed.  Although, can you be superstitious if you aren't even sure where the superstition originated without googling it?

(According to my search: Back in the day, metal was seen as a gift from the gods and a protection against evil.  That myth has been adapted and now refers to pennies... which really don't serve any other purpose anyway.  Also, the official Lucky Penny Day is May 23rd).

Anyway, whether I am superstitious or not, I think what matters is this:  when I have the lucky penny in my shoe, everything that goes RIGHT with my day is that much more obvious to me because it is validation that the lucky penny is working.  Finding a lucky penny causes me to appreciate life and look at situations in a positive light.  And it makes me appreciate how my shoes feel when there is not a circular piece of metal rolling around inside them.

BUT WAIT!  There is a part two to the Lucky Penny myth: If you give the penny to a friend, they will also have good luck.  So I have payed the penny forward next to a pumpkin on a friend's porch =0)  Let's just forget that it was in my sho-ewwww.  hehe  Psh, that's prolly nuthin' compared to where that thing has been.  I shower... ;) 

Thanks for reading!  Hope you find a penny soon!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is this blog?

For those of you who know me and have attempted to follow any of my creative endeavors, you have undoubtedly found out about my tendency to start things but rarely finish them.  Soooooo, I decided to start this blog to accommodate all of my latest phases, projects, obsessions, and ideas.   With so much going on in one place, hopefully (*fingers crossed!*) I can trick myself into staying focused for once.  We'll seeeee ;0)